Let's just start with a short introduction of my relationship with Cynthia. to my close friends, u all may know this story because i told it a million times! but, i would say, this has to be one of the highlight chapters in my book of life. so please pardon me =)
Cynthia was my teacher in SAJC. Back then, when i was in year 1, she was the teacher in charge of SAJC track and field. Though i joined pretty late, say August in year 1, she welcomed me with open arms along with the rest of the track team. Unfortunately, not long after i started training with the Track Team, Cynthia informed us that the school decided to close down the CCA due to the team not performing and they would want to re-divert the funds. And like any hot-blooded youth, we were all very upset and wanted to fight the "ultimantum". But since it's an ultimantum, we do not have any say. The school wanted to use the funds for a CCA which is able to cater more to the general school cohort.
After some meetings and discussions, the school decided to go ahead with a CCA that provides a platform for students to play sports. Back then, SAJC had a very vibrant sports culture but that only applies to those who were IN the competitive sports itself. There was no avenues in which students, who does not do sports competitively, to get together and have fun. just enjoy sports. This CCA will come to be know as Saint Sports Club (SSC).
Definitely, the school need a group of students to manage the cca, to plan, to execute and to pioneer this effort. The burden of getting in these students fall on Cynthia (back then, we called her miss sng.. haha.. now is Mrs Tan). Needless to say, the first she approached were the peeps from the track team.
She was greeted with disappointing news. Many on the team weren't able to help her. they do have their respective reasons. We are going into year 2 and studying will be up a notch. And with that additional heavy load of pioneering a CCA, it ain't appealing. Additionally, the fact that the funds for track is divert to SSC evoked a "u-want-to-open-sports-club-that's-why-u-close-track" feeling. in some ways, it carried a sense of betrayal to the track team. most did not wish to have it on their conscious. Ain't easy on Cynthia. on top of the massive work she is handling for classes and starting a cca, she has to face the "look" from many.
back to me. in year 1, i have been struggling to find a cca. i've been trying to get into the basketball team. but SAJC basketball team was strong and apparently i wasn't strong enough to make it. after my failed attempt, i didn't do much. i joined a few cca, tried some, and gave up all. nothing caught my attention. for those who know me, u will know that if i do not have the passion for something, i won't do it. and this proves for all the cca i tried. i love sports but i am one of those who didn't perform well enough to make it "competitively". i am one of those who is so deeply upset by the agony of not being able to do sports because i am just not "good" enough. then, through a friend, i joined track. i liked it. i like pounding my feet on the track and grass. i liked the adrendaline during training and i thought i finally found what i wanted. and then, the school has to break it. Yet again.
When Cynthia presented us(the track team) with the idea of SSC, i thought "finally, i could follow what i wished to do". However, as one of the hot blooded youngsters, i had my "struggle". same as the other team mates. Eventually, i talked myself through and i told Cynthia i want in on the initiative. And then it started.
For the first month, both of us worked together. after schools, during breaks, we discussed about how we are doing this club up. the goal gotta be set straight, what exactly do we want to do. there are simply so many things to do and the load on the both of us is exceptionally heavy. we need help. yes we do.
like gems from the sky, two of my former team mates from track stepped up to help. Teresa and Meiling. they both are talented athletes and they showed true friendship and sportsmanship when they boarded the ship cynthia and i were on. It was about a few weeks later that i roped in Zihao (who was my best buddy and still is now! but now more of gay buddy though..) from Co-op and woola.. that's the team. Four students and a teacher. Saint Sports Club is formed =)
Throughout the year end holidays (apparently, it ain't hols for us), we worked like mad dogs. meeting up often and doing proposals into the wee hours. calling up each other at 2am to clarify stuff. first on hand was definitely recruitment of the next year freshmen and the whole year plan for 2005. i would say we did a good job. how i know? alright. u just look at the photo below. the pioneer year of Saint Sports Club.

=) you can count the number of peeps we had for our first orientation.
well. i shan't elaborate more of the old history. but SSC is still strong though all o f her pioneers aren't around in the club anymore. Cynthia left the school and we graduated (as much as we don't want to!). Now it's in 3rd year and still going on strong i believe =)
the main thing here is the bond five of us shared. sometimes, i still think back about the times we had. yes we were super busy. but we had fun. and i would never be more proud that to say we were really a very strong team. it's just amazing when all of us worked hard together towards a goal.
ALRIGHT! back to the wedding! it's Cynthia's big day!! Marriage! not child birth. Yet. haha. She invited the four of us to her wedding ceremony in her church and it's my first. it was really very nicely done up and what amazed me was that they were together for 12 years. take that. 12 years. More than a decade. a dozen years. and they are still as loving as they can be. i am really full of admiration for them. and nevertheless, i feel happy for both of them. i shan't say more. let the photos do the talking =)
they had very nice photos! not the typical "bride-wear-dress-bridegroom-wear-suit" type. but actual lifestyle pictures of them at the beach in casual attire, being in the library (which i believe somewhere cynthia loves), playing tennis together and all. see below!
nice right? i am gonna try to get the soft copy!
preview of how they look next time when they flip the photo album of their baby =)
wide smile there!
the two emcees of the day.zihao thinks the girl is hot. haha
the set up!
here comes! pageboy leading the way!
flowers. a church wedding. friends and relative to witness the moment. every girl's dream
the vows and the "i do"s
he said "i do"
she said "i do"
here goes the blink!
hand in hand with that wide smile!
this's really blur. but. u get the picture! =) congrats to the two of them!
and they live happily ever after!
Sain Sports Club x 3 generations present. haha
presenting, the five (plus one more for matthias) of us. and cynthia is really a very beautiful bride =)
from Eugene, Teresa, Meiling and Zihao,
to Cynthia aka ms sng,
we are all really very happy for you. to see that u finally found the one u love (like..12 years ago and finally settling down), it warms our heart. Stay beautiful and happy. We will be looking forward to going to your baby's first month celebration!!
with love
Team SSC' 05