didn't manage to get FTB's pix yet so i figured i will update on my other 2 camps (which were blasts!!) first. and Oikos and SMUX were back to back, from 4th to 8th August!
Everyone here is from School Of Economics (at least that is the case before some were transferreed to Biz). haha. Econs people are unique in a way that they are kinda rational yet crazy. We don't go crazy drinking and mambo-ing like what most in Biz camp (aka Bondue) do. but we have our own version of going hay-wire.
reached SOE subway gathering area and called Cindy (one of my faci for the camp). the group actually met up to do up the mascots' costume and pre camp dinner but i was busy on both occassion so i couldn't join. but they didn't make me feel left out. everyone was friendly and intro themselves to me. nevertheless, i kinda did shitty for the ice breakers cause of my "lack in advantage".. 2 years in NS made me stupid.
well 1st day ain't much. we did some ice breaker games and a massive balloon popping game. everyone tied different coloured balloons onto both ankles and we have to go into the centre to smash the balloons with the colour the emcees said. there were some dumb guy who actually saw his own balloon and tot it was someone's else and he smashed it. -_- quite dumb. but we had a good luff about it. haha

Cindy and Junrong with drawn face.. cause of us!

the Flintstones!

jumping sleeping bags race!

"u can't catch me!"
after that, it's all the admin stuff. how to bid for courses on BOSS, intro of professors, tech support talk etc.. took like 3- 4 hours lo.
2nd day was crazy.. it was a bright and sunny day and we headed to sentosa for games.

before we start the games, still fresh!

you spin me right round, baby
right round like a record, baby~~

squeezing me dry

mad-ness in the sea

i think i'm the "big splash" behind. haha

Cindy and her 2 seconds hangtime

classic boyband + uptown girl pic

all ready. fall in position

forgive my sissy position! no choice!

Pradeep went for facial... the flour way..

never doubt Junrong's sexual orientation..

girls won the tug of war!

the winners!!

gonna find out what's inside the box! *screams"

Sophia looking ultra cool.. "bang!"

Operation "protect sophia" commences

still got time to pose? going to start war already!

the warriors!

all washed up after exhausting games under super hot sun

Seow yong, what were u doing??

the dudes enjoy BJ .. oops. i meant Ben & Jerry's

the "look"..

the classic SMU jump @ Vivocity

CHUBBY BUNNY! cheerios Daniel!

Nice~ that's 16 mashmallows right

the "suckers"

there's an identity crisis here!

the deathnote thingy.. whatever it is called.. haha

forget the theme but he's damn good. even flirted with the Dean!

Edward Scissorhand!

my hand just went where it was SUPPOSED to be going.

final group pic!
thanks Flintstones! u all were great. since we are all in same faculty (except for some of the girls.. still same uni though!), we shall see each other often in classes ya.. really enjoyed myself!
We're the Flintstones
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