SO....we were given the task of organising this family day for the kids and their family. we started planning around june (if i didn't remember wrongly!) and trust me, it was a lot of hard work put in! there are 5 of us in the planning committee! Chai Ling (events ic), Sabrina (logistics ic), Kenneth (team coordinators ic), Zihao (games ic) and me (the main event ic)! they were a great team to work with and i really look forward to working with them again. as we are all working adults, we have to sacrifice our leisure time for the planning and discussion. but as we all said, it's worthwhile as long as the families enjoyed it!
alright, let me bring you through the Family day.
we assembled at Redhill around 815. zihao and his team was already there. the families poured in at 830. the stores were asssembled and groups organised by around 845. we hop onto the bus and off we go to the beautiful Botanic Gardens!
well, everything must start with a warm up right. so zihao, who was the games ic, exhibit his 'inborn' talent of cheering and led the family into ' warm up exercise'!
With the help of our beloved Wenhui!
the kids are starting to sweat it out! and enjoying in the meanwhile!
alright, that marks the ending of warm-up and the start of the main event
warm-up was great and from the face of the families, i can predict that they are going to enjoy this fun and exciting day! following on is our 1st games which we named "Disappearing Island". simply (i guess a lot of us played it before), there is a mat which the groups will have to stand on and it will get smaller and smaller. therefore along the way, teams who CANNOT get everyone to stand on the mat will be eliminated until only 1 winner is left!
Weili ain't going to make things easy for this group!!
Renjie kept his cool!!
Smile!! No matter how 'tight' the situation is!
We have a WINNER!!
sidenote: he is super cute ain't he??
Alright! of course, we do give them a break after every game (though at that time, the sky looks threatening!!) 2nd game is Aqua Shoes. basically there is a starting and endling line. and his team member will have a cup with a hole underneath tied to his feet with a rubber band. so he/she would have to balance the cup with water and walk towards a bucket about 6 metres away and without using his/her hands, pour the water into the bucket! or.. did i mention that there is a hole at the bottom of the cup? *evil grin*
our station ics are briefing the families. there!! those two in green lo. Fion & Yongjia!
Yongjia preparing for a demonstration of the game!
off we go~!!
Wenhui: "i don't get it.. u can definitely move faster than that!!"
we have Fareez showing off soccer skills and using it in the game
Chao Rui: "come on, squeeze somemore. can one!1"
the judges are trying to find the winner..
well, thanks to zihao for not doing his "no rain dance". it starts to drizzle and of course, as planned as part of wet weather, we moved to the nearby shelters. YET, the spirit was not dampened as we start playing games and shouting cheers louder than before!
hold hands and play the hula hoops!
what a nice shot of jiewen trapped in hoops.. =p
take a break now so as to gear up for what's coming up!!
Boon Wei and his mickey mouse hat!ps:he can really drive u mad!
Finally, the sky cleared and the rain stopped! the sun was out again and Sunbeam is ready to get on with the activities. our original plan was to play 2 additional field games. however we have to abolish it because of the time constraint and the muddy condition of the field. well, the most exciting part of the day, the Amazing Race starts with 5 teams playing 6 stations. the first one to reach the end point (which is also the start point) will be the champion for amazing race!
Rachel: "come on, faster!! cross the line"
enjoy the atmosphere of winning!
it's the spirit that counts! not the prize not the positions!
all in all, the family day was a great success. i really want to thank everyone who is involved or indirectly contributed to this wonderful day
Chun Shan
Auntie Judy
Chai Ling
Kenneth Chia
Chao Rui
Ren Jie
Yong Chun
Wen Hui
Wei Li
Hui Ling
Yong Jia
Hui Min
Kenneth Lim
Si Ying
Xiang Yi
Wen Yi
Pang Si Ying
all the kids and parents who participated in this event~!
lastly, a tribute to the mickey mouse hats and those who wore them:
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