was at Sentosa Tanjong Beach in the early morning for the race. my 3rd Biathlon already! woohoo! i reached quite early @ around 7+ because i don't wanna be caught in the rush "madness"! went there to get my timechip, set up my transition area, nice nice, re-enact the race over and over my mind and also do a warm up first. sprint distance is different, u don't have time to warm up. once the horn goes off, it's just.. all out! no conservation or whatsoever.
Due to the slow handing out of timechip, the race got delayed 20 minutes and will only start at 8:50. since i'm the 3rd wave, that means 9:10 for me, i can't imagine the heat man! haha. no choice LL suck thumb. i actually belong to the "recreational" wave so not that bad. haha. first wave (the black caps) are the serious bunch!
the time came and they flag off. Yanni was there to root for Thomas! haha. o ya. Weeling was there to support and take pictures too (focus is on pictures!). haha. there and then, i waited for my wave and it finally came, under the blazing sun. and just "nice", the sea became choppy! just at my wave. well done man! i thought i didn't have to battle so much waves and currents in Sentosa protected lagoon. well, i was proven wrong.
backview of me with my white cap and blue orca top! notice the girl on the left is also wearing orca. pointed out by weeling. haha
hi Yanni!
haha. good job weeling! that's me in the water. high elbow! excellent. haha
out of the water! here's the run!!
in transit..
here comes the run course
finishing line~!
the contenders~!
with the girls!
Uncle Chan, Me, Alvin, Elston, Dennis and Chuan Cheng!
final time:
750m swim: 17min 27 sec
transition: 1 min plus plus
5.0km run: 23min 36 sec
total time: 42 mins 13 sec