today is friday 9th march right? woo, just ended my busy weekdays and my busy weekend is about to start soon! haha but i like how things are now.
let's see.. a recap of how my week was spent.
On Monday 5th March, as usual i report to camp and had a long day at the medical centre.
Actually to a lot of people esp those serving NS will think that medical centres medics (i work in medical centre though i am combat in vocation.. haha.. lucky me) are pretty slack. But the whole day is really in fact, rather hectic, especially in my camp having one of the largest population in SAF. There are report sick, medical reviews, Fit for F Instructions Tests and people coming in for various reasons. We start at 8, breaks at 12, go for lunch and perhaps get some rest till 1, then we will start again all the way to 4.30. After that we will have to pack up all the documents and stuff we use for the day and get them ready for tomorrow. A usual day will perhaps have around... 60-80 patients and there was this once the queue number hit 120. not to mention we have duties which means we stay back after everyone goes home and see patients from the entire west area at night. being 24 hrs, it is really not uncommon to have patients to come at timings like 3 or 4 am. There are also emergency cases such as trauma and resucitation. duty will last till next day 8am when the next batch of duty crew takes over. the best part is we don't get off after that and have to work from 8 to 530 again before we can go home. sometimes we even have consecutive days duty. we could be talking about up to 70 hours of work without undisturbed rest. hope that what i said really clears up the misconception of medics in medical centre.
alright. monday night, i went for a project meeting at clementi central with two group members at 0730. They were pretty much older than me.. one is 28 and the other is 29 i think. haha. i am like..20. but well, it was for human resource management. we have to hand in by wed and there were some stuff we still have not sort out. so we discuss and work in Mac till around 1030. headed home and had to rush out some stuff because i couldn't work on tuesday due to duty. it has been rather long since i have slept late due to school work. haha. slept at around 330am.
tuesday. woke up at 630. go to camp and report for duty. that's tuesday.
wednesday's night was class. handed in our project. the lecturer look through it and say it was pretty well done. wooh! that was a heavy load off man. well. it was some effort put in. haha. i'm actually rather proud of that project.
thurs was duty again.
alright. today is friday and i have nothing on. i can finally rest!! i am gonna relax and rest well today man.
weekend will be rather enjoyable i guess. i'm looking forward to playing badminton with ziwan, zihao and some of her odac friends tomorrow at 11. haha. it has been a long time since i have played badminton. hope i dun make a fool of myself la. was pondering whether i should go for a run first before playing. see whether i can wake up or not la. haha.
alright. then at 2, i've to go to class. it's marketing. i like it. it's rather interesting how it plays with the mind.
class will end at 5. will go home have dinner. after that it's routine basketball night at cck. prob till 10.
after that, carl and i originally planned of going to DXO because his friends kind of organise a party or something. then he msged me today asking if it will be awkward for me because all his friends. haha. well so.. we'll see how tomorrow first la. he says there will be pretty girls going. HAHA. *rub hands and grins*
sunday will be SMU open house. hao will be going with me. i've already print out the itinerary and planned how the day will be. pretty much talks and tours. if everything's good and as of what i've read about, i will most likely switch to SMU Economics. i got in last year but dunno why i rejected it for NUS. guess now i have a better direction. haha.
WOOHOO... pretty long week eh... wait till u see my organiser. haha every single day has something scribbled on it.
12th- Assignment meeting for marketing
13th to 14th - Chemical warfare training at Nee Soon Camp and i'm glad it's only in the day.
15th- Assignment meeting for marketing
16th- Medical centre duty
17th- Assignment meeting for marketing
18th- Medical centre duty
20th- Medical centre duty
21th- OFF DAY! class at night
22nd- Final Theory Test for driving at night
23rd- Class from 14th changed to today
24th- Class
25th- Medical centre duty
26th- EMPTY!
27th- Medical centre duty
28th- Class
29th- Medical centre duty
30th- Medical centre duty AGAIN
31st- Class
whoah. take a look at that. luckily i have planned a long stretch of off and leaves in April. partly to rest and also study for my upcoming exams man.
good luck! hope i have time to blog again soon!
ps: hey, if there is any activities u want to ask me along, no harm in asking me though i seemed rather busy