It was kind of like a S91 gathering. Zihao and weijie, ziwan, xiaoyun, bernard and me. first stop was zihao's hse. haha when we reach there, his father fell asleep waiting for us! and he waited for like... 10 mins? haha. one thing that always get to me was how his mother address us. by our chinese name. haha. i was Jia Jun. bernard was Zhao Xiong. haha. o well, the rest was... the rest. but don't get me wrong, she's a nice lady by all means =) i think we stayed about... say..an hour plus in zihao's hse. o ya and wei yang (zihao's gd friend) and his gf was there too.
at zihao's hse. ok i look a bit squeezed. because ziwan was beside me!
just as we were on our way to my hse, it began to drizzle and we have to walk this "long cut" (contributed by zihao). somehow the weather was really hot and humid.
ok at my hse! i took out some choco biscuit TimTam. and boy, zihao was munchin on them like nobody's business. haha. Xiaoyun only join us then. she had church i guess. haha u know xiaoyun did change eh. more mature in dressing and all. she can easily pass off as a working class. i guess people in business are like that (gosh, cant see myself in that)
and well, there was lunch. if i din rmb wrongly, it was mee soto. everyone were sweating. haha. i think it was the soup and the weather too. but i guess it was quite an ok lunch. we watch The Devil Wears Prada.

haha. ok. Anna Hathaway is a gorgeous lady. haha. she's real pretty.
yup. mum said guys too tall. can't stand. sorry girls!
moving on to Ziwan's hse. haha. the bus waiting and all was very long. sorry that bernard has to book in that night. so he can't join us to ziwan's hse. but yeah, we head to ziwan's hse. ate some fabulous pineapple tarts. played blackjack. i lost like... 70cents. o ya we bought subway to eat. haha. we din stay long. zihao had to send weijie home and we were all pretty tired. so i guess... we just headed home =)
all in all, it was a nice gathering. seriously.
ok. it's time for OG gathering. god i really miss everyone in og2. especially since my time in jj was such a memorable one. seeing the guys one more time brings back a lot of memories. it's really a pity some people can't make it. like meng hui,bishi, le liang, tuck sin and danny. nevertheless, there was laoda, peiyi, minshan, cherryn and me.
laoda was super late and he was playing soccer before that. haha. but yeah, pretty proud of him. he was in ocs and now in 6SIR, maju camp. seems to be doing well. getting more than 1k a month and stay out! though he tells me he is starting to stay in. haha
peiyi is waiting to be enlisted. welcome to my life boy. haha good luck. take care of your right arm man. seems pretty bad.
cherryn is in NTU school of design. she wanna go into photography and i think it's really good. maybe i do like photography too. but yeah. seen some of her work before. real nice. she really has the flare. u go girl. just disregard the discouragements and rmb our encouragement
minsha is in NTU business. she seems pretty stressed up. she had to rush off for some project. it's a sunday for goodness sake. but well, she has been hardworking all these while. and i know she would be a real successful person being so hardworking and eager in stuff she do. all the way!
yup.our og now.=)
it was really nice to meet up with everyone during CNY. i guess that wraps up my CNY. gathering and all. really do looking forward to such meetings man. and i have some's agreement to meet up in normal days also due to our proximity. ntu, my base and some one who really do live quite near. haha. ciao.
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