Friday, October 10, 2008

get back~

i miss running. and i want to relive the feeling of having the wind in your hair, sweat down your face, the constant awareness of your breath and the only sound is the pounding of your shoes on the ground.

in fact, i already started light runs. undeniably, there is a huge drop in my running fitness since i am out of action for so long. during that training, at a rather hard perceive pace, i did 3.2km in 14 minutes. sluggish and relatively slow, but at least i am running. i will be back!! time to get disciplined again and get rid of the other "free radicals" in my life!

second thing, i told Xihao that i am interested to lead the second Ride from The Heart. it is a 1500km ride from Phuket back to Singapore, to raise funds for the Straits Time Pocket Money Fund. at the same time, it's a way of raising awareness for being involved in community and doing the things that we, as youth, want to. freedom to express.

the whole organising, training and the trip itself is definitely a challenge. a big one, in fact. we will start planning in Dec and the ride will most likely happen in July. i am looking for like minded individuals from the various varsities to join me. we will need all the passion and drive we can get.

if you want to know more about how they did it this year, u can visit their blog at

cheerios guys! contact me if interested!

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